Sunday, April 8, 2012

Varanasi and Rajpur

My train ride to Varanasi was 28 hours... so this picture of me partly smiling is rather impressive. 

Once in Varanasi, we realized how amazing and beautiful it was. Celiz and I really enjoyed the Ganges river view =) 

I forgot to rotate this one before I loaded it. Oops haha

Our first night on the river, we lit candles and had a short prayer before putting them in the water. The river Ganges is a major holy river for Hindu and is thought to cleanse them of thier sins. I have a lot of thoughts and corrilations about this river that I will share with you all when I get home =) 

This is the view of the city from a boat at night. Absolutely beautiful! 

Our group after a tour of the city. 

This is holy "shimmering" well was amazing and pictures truely cannot do it justice! 

Sunrise over the Ganges is one of the most breathtaking things in India! 

After Varanasi, we got a another train for 22 hours and traveled to Rajpur which is in the foothills of the Himalaya's. 

We were even lucky enough to get to talk to a Buddhist monk. 
Then... it started to rain and as you can tell, I was feeling at home! 

So much at home that I started doing cartwheels! haha

Jullianna and I "Shawshank Redemption'ed" it! 

This place holds a special place in my heart: The House of Peace! (ask me about it when I get home!) =) 

Yesterday, we finally got to go white water rafting down the Ganges River! I think I am hooked now! 

Beautiful sceanery! 

Our group at the end of the 4 hour excursion! I have some pretty amazing videos as well from this day! 

In less than a week I leave India and begin my adventures in Uganda! I cannot believe how qickley time has flown by! Tomorrow we go to the Taj Mahal and you can be sure I am beyond excited! I'll try to post one last time before I leave India! Keep me in your prayers! 

P.S. I appologize for all the spelling errors! I can hardly see the screen here at the internet cafe so am not really sure what I am writing, but I know there are probably a few errors... haha 

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