Saturday, April 14, 2012

The end to my semester in India....

I can't believe it is already over! These past 3 months flew by and I wasn't ready for the abrupt goodbyes. But in the last few days we had together, we were still travelling and making the most of our time! 

The Taj Mahal, words can't even begin to describe how beautiful it was!

Hannah, Celiz and I at the Taj =) 

This is an example of the semi-precious stone inlayed work that is covering the Taj Mahal! This piece alone has 6 different stones!

After the Taj, we went to the Agra Fort and got to see the room where Shan Jahan was locked away until his death. Even as creepy as that sounds, this fort was almost as beautiful and magnificent was the Taj. 

Once done in Agra and Deli, we took our very last train ride to Mumbai... I didn't realize how much I would miss trains until I had to fly. For so many reason, I actually prefer trains now and looked forward to them.

Finally, on our last full day in India, we went to the Gate of India. Jess, the best roommate ever, and I just enjoying our time there (between other people taking our picture as well....)

Now I am in Uganda, Africa where I am catching up with some old friends. It really is a bitter-sweet feeling. I will have at least one more post, maybe 2 while here but then I will be done with this blog. (Sorry these posts haven't had much content lately, hopefully my next one will!) 

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