Friday, March 30, 2012

Saying Goodbye and Starting New Adventures

Candle Light Dinner
Most of us dressed up in Saree's =) 
First day at B.I.R.D.S. with some of the school boys who thought they were super tough haha

A few of us wandered around in our free time and found a sunflower field. It was a beautiful escape from the long day in the heat. 

This is just a beautiful picture during one of our sessions =)

Kumar Sir got ahold of my camera and snipped a picture of me admiring the magnificent architecture. 

In our free time, we like to climb on top of the chapel building like children! =D 

And also do head-stands! =)

If I had more time on the internet, I would post and write more but I just don't right now. Hopefully I will have more time in the days to come. Tomorrow we leave at 7 am to get on a train for 28 hours. I'll let you all know how that goes once it is over! 
God Bless =) 

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