Monday, April 16, 2012


First off, I apologize for the pictures all being messed up. I am not sure why they all turned out so funky. But I think you'll get to main point of them =) 

Yum! Yum! Breakfast on my first morning =) 

Taking lunch and eating Pillawo. Godfrey was too into his phone to look at the camera haha

I don't think you can see it, but this is the taxi station.... 

Keith and I right before going to the beach. Godfrey in the back photo bombing lol

Biggie and Alice chilling outside the restaurant at the beach. 

Keith is extremely fashionable with my purse! He is such a fun guy and great friend =) 

The guys were afraid of getting wet haha

I know you can hardly see it, but this is me doing flips on the trampoline thing set up at the beach! 

Fun times and more to come in the few short days I have left with my friends! 

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