Sunday, March 11, 2012

HOLI: Festival of Colors

The Festival of Colors!

On Thursday of this week, Holi was celebrated in India. However, it is mostly a North Indian festival so there really wasn’t a chance for us to celebrate it here; plus, Thursday’s are internship days and ISP discussion nights, so we were all too busy to celebrate it. Lucky for us though, Abraham organized our own Holi celebration on Friday night!!

After class was over, we rushed back to our apartment and found white shirts that could be died. My apartment was so excited about it that we did “before” pictures of us as a group and individuals.
(This is my apartment, B001, and the best group of girls ever!) 

(This is my individual pose.)

Having no other place to do it, we chanced it and went up on the roof of our apartment building and laid out the ground rules. Pretty much no throwing it in each other’s eyes and try not to swallow it. Other than that, it was game on!
(As you can tell, we are all pumped and ready to start!) 

(We only made a little bit of a mess......)

(All colorful!) 

(Celiz and I, and of course Jake photo bombed it haha)

(Me and the best roommate EVER, Jess!!!!!!) 

(Pretty much the whole group, besides Abraham who took the picture.)

(Panoramic :) 

Since it was dark on the roof, we didn’t get the whole effect of the colors until we got back down to our apartment. Of course, we had to do “after” pictures of us all! 
(India's Next Top Models)

(HAHA my silly individual picture after we played Holi!) 

This was by far the most fun night I have had in India thus far! 

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