Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring Break 2012

Kerala: God’s Own Country

Kerala really is God’s Own Country because it was the best trip we have gone so far! That is one of the main reasons this post is so long, along with the fact that this trip was 4 wonderful days! So I will sum up what we did each day…

Day 1 (Tuesday): At 11:15 pm, Coimbatore train station was blessed and got to see 12 Americans sprinting down the platform in order to make it on before it left. Luckily, our spirits as well as our stomachs were full before that because I made the last of my mac and cheese for my apartment! Once we got on the train, our 6 hour travel began.

Day 2 (Wednesday): Our official first day in Kerala started at 5 am when we stepped off the train and immediately started to sweat because it was so hot! After some much needed rest and a morning class, we went to a few government schools where we got to meet and play with some children.

Then we went to a very old church that was under construction.

Day 3 (Thursday): After morning classes on Thursday, we got a small small preview of the Back Waters, which was beautiful.

Then we got to go to the beach and jump into the Arabian Sea! Only a few of were actually willing to jump in, and it a blast!

(We didn't exactly all make it off the ground... hahaha But it was a good attempt)

Day 4 (Friday): Once Thursday night was over, I thought that would be the highlight of the trip. But I was wrong, because on Friday we actually got to SWIM in the Arabian Sea for over an hour! I can’t even begin to describe how wonderful a feeling it was to be completely underwater and just feel free! Unfortunately, I didn’t get any pictures of it because pretty much all of us were swimming and caught up in the moment.

After swimming and getting some ice cream we took a boat ride on the BW (Back Waters), which is also referred to as the Venice of India, and righty so! The view was breath taking and we got to escape the hectic and noisy city life.

Along the shore, we stopped to get tender coconut to drink and a guy handed me his pet eagle, just as he was passing by. Thanks to Jake’s quick camera skills, I got this picture as proof!

After I got back on the boat, the “captain” of the boat let me drive! =)

Day 5 (Saturday): As a farewell to the ISP Student’s, the staff presented us with some amazing food and Kerala’s famous Jack Fruit which was delicious!

As you can see below, I was sad to be leaving Kerala…..

But alas, we had to leave to catch the train back to Coimbatore. So we snapped a few last photos with the hotel staff and loaded back on the Blue Moon (which was the party bus that drove us around!!!) and headed to the train station.

One thing I want to make sure I mention, is that after I swam in the Arabian Sea, I was in total bliss. I was so thankful to God that we got that opportunity, but still said to Jamie that afternoon, “Now all it needs to do is rain and my life would be complete.”  Then that night, as I was writing my journal on the roof, IT STARTED TO RAIN….. IN INDIA!!! I almost cried I was so ecstatic! Even though it was a LOT warmer than any rain that has ever fallen in Oregon, it just reminded me of home. 

Kerala was wonderful and beautiful place that i enjoyed tremendously, and it also made me appreciate a lot about home. It was definitely the Spring Break 2012 I could have ever asked for!!!   

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