Saturday, February 11, 2012

Weekend Trip: OOTY

6 am.... we began our 4 hour drive to the hill station of Ooty. Below is a beautiful picture of the breathtaking view from the jeep!

Later on Friday, we went to the "Tiger Reserve" and went a "Safari".... so we went to the forest and rode in a bus and saw some monkey's and birds =) We did get to see them feed the elephants that are being trained for temple use.

Of course, what better way to end the day then with a sunset that looks like this.....

.....Oh wait, having Devotions with a bonfire that looks like this!!!!!

Saturday morning began with ELEPHANT RIDES!!! I was so excited that I gave the elephant a huge =) 

Sometimes, well actually a lot of the time, I feel like we do some pretty amazing things that a lot of people normally don't get to do. We got a VIP tour of the largest tea plantation... something they have never done before. How we got that, I don't know! But it was amazing! (Not to mention the view!)

One thing I will never get tired of is the people that we visit. Each village is so different and unique that it never gets old!

Our last stop to get some chocolates and have a stretching break.... this photo was just too crazy to pass up posting.

I apologize right now if you hate spiders, but since this happened 10 minutes ago, I felt inclined to include this photo. Julianna opened her bag as soon as we got back and out popped this little guy.... I have a 10 minute video of us trying to kill it... if I knew how to post videos, it would post that! But this will have to do. It was a gigantic spider and the fastest thing I have ever seen. (If anyone knows about spiders, we would like to know what kind was) No worries, it is now dead!

Again, thank you all for reading my posts. I will try to write more in the days to come. Just so know what is to come: Tuesday is out first anual Valentines Day Party hosted by room D001 (my room), and Wednesday we are having the 21st anual Birthday Party of Alyssa (me haha), and Friday we leave for Chenni. ((Sometime in there we will do homework and go to class...))

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