Monday, January 30, 2012

Raheja Enclave

This is the apartment complex that I live in a few pictures from Inside! I love it! I couldn't have been more blessed! (Especially with who my roommates are!)

This is the building that I live in!

An outside view of where clothes are hung to dry!

Walking up the stairs to get to the other rooms!

Our lovely and messy table. (Although we hardly use for anything but homework!)

Our living room during a power outage. Thankfully the sun shines through to give us light. (Power outages are common due to the fact that there are more people needing power than there is power to go around. It isn't bad, until it goes out at night while we are doing work...) 

And finally, here is mine and Jessica's room. It is a little hard to tell, but we have TONS of pictures all over the walls! We quickly made it very much our home! =)

Sorry for not having more photos. I would love to upload all of them but it just takes so long to upload them that I don't have the time. But I will try to post as many as time permits! =)

On a different note, here is what most of our meals consist of. (Yes, it served on a banana leaf and you eat with your hands. Well, your right hand to be more precise.)

Love you all and feel free to comment below!!!! I love hearing from you all =) 

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