Saturday, January 28, 2012


            When you are traveling to a foreign country, people always tell you, “Don’t drink the water!” (Even if they have never been to said country.) But let me tell you something from experience… DON’T DRINK THE WATER! Also, as a precaution, don’t let it even get in your mouth! Without going into gruesome details, I am currently recovering from being rather sick. I am not 100% sure what caused it, but I know that it wasn’t something that I ate. And trust me, if it was the water that caused me to get sick, I didn’t drink it intentionally! (Probably happened when I was taking a shower or a drinking cup not being totally dry before use.)
Luckily, I have the best roommates I could ever ask for! Their prayers have really helped get me through this. Hopefully it will be awhile before I get sick again. (I say awhile because it is inevitable here.) 

            As a side note and to take your mind off me being sick, this is the monkey that was wondering around on the roof of our apartment the other day! 

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