Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Week Until I Depart! (and figuring how blogging works...haha)

Six days is all I have left until I depart for India! I am so extremely excited to begin such an amazing adventure.

I do have to admit though, it kills me to have to leave my swimmers before the season is over! For that reason alone is one that saddens me about going. They have all improved so much and they have taught me such a great deal about myself and coaching. They will all be very much so missed. =(

Besides that, I CAN NOT WAIT to be on my way to such a beautiful and majestic country!

To be totally honest, I hope no one actually reads this post.... I am sorta testing how this all works. (I have never done a blog before!) haha

Well, I still have much that needs to be done: books to finish reading, papers to write, swim team stuff to figure out, and of course, family and friends to spend time with before I leave! I look forward to posting some fun and interesting things for you all to read. Apologies in advance if I do not have new posts as often as I'd like... 


  1. This is myself, Alyssa, seeing how comments work =)

  2. I has red. i see yew on satday.

  3. I'll be watching for updates!!! Have fun!!!
