Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Amazing Race: Coimbatore

Today was our official first shopping day. (Of course I already went because I had no clothes the first day.) I am going to make sure and post a picture with all the Salwar’s I bought! They are so fun and bright! So of course, that was an amazing experience!

After shopping, we participated in “Amazing Race: Coimbatore.” I know it sounds super official but it was pretty much a giant scavenger hunt for places we couldn’t pronounce, in a city we didn’t know, with a language we couldn’t understand; BRING IT ON! (The reason it wasn’t called a scavenger hunt was because scavengers are people who clean the public restrooms, and when I say public I mean PUBLIC! So they didn’t want it to be called that, so they gave it more formal/fun name.) We were handed a list of places to visit and things we had to take pictures of while we were there. Never have I felt more lost, yet having so much fun in my life! It was such a great feeling to sort of let loose in the city and we had to find these places all on our own, in a group of 4 girls mind you.

What I realized as we walked around and asked for directions was how amazingly hospitable people are here. Everyone wants to talked to us, show us around and just make sure we are having a great stay in India. Another thing that is nice about it too is that I never feel unsafe. Of course we went to the busy places I felt unsafe about my wallet, but never about myself. 

***I know I already said I write these before-hand, but also wanted to let you all know that I write these at night and just upload them to the blog when I get the chance. So please forgive me if it is really scattered!)***

And this is a picture of the apartments I live in. I will post more pictures of the inside as well later! =) 
It is so beautiful!!!!!! 


  1. Hi Alyssa..it's Tuesday the 17th & has been snowing all morning! Beautiful unless you have to drive in it...all I can say about your earlier post is hang on to your wallet so you don't have to be a scavenger:( Love, Aunt Jennifer

  2. Hi Alyssa, what fun to read your blog. I am so happy you are enjoying yourself and praise God he is looking after you. Enjoy every minute of your trip WOW what an experience. Letha Hunt
